Sep 26 2015
And More Training Plan Musings. Plus weekly 6km in the single
Thank you Boris for the links to the video in your comments to yesterday’s blogs. Here are a few examples of the circuit training that Fritsch/Nolte suggest. Apologies for those who don’t speak German. I suggest you throw the text in Google Translate.
Beispiel fuer ein allgemeines Kraeftigungsprogramm
45s Pause zwischen den Sets – Gesamtdauer ca. 45 min
- Kniebeuge Langhantel – 4 sets 15-12-10-8 Wh
- Ruecken – 3 Sets 15-12-10 Wh
- Latziehen – 4 Sets 15-12-10-10 Wh
- Einbeinige Kniebeuge mit KH – 3 Sets 15-12-10-10 Wh
- Armdruecken auf Pezziball – 3 sets 15-12-10 Wh
- Oberer Ruecken – 3 Sets 12-10-10 Wh
- Rudern mit LH in Vorhalte – 3 Sets 12-10-10 Wh
- Brust – 3 Sets 12-10-10 Wh
- Crunch Pezziball – 1 Set bis zur Ermuedung
- Reverse Crunch Pezzi – 1 Set bis zur Ermuedung
Romana’s circuit training, all stations 12 repeats (they will do 15 later)
- Hanging on ribstole – legs
- Lying pullup bar
- squats on bosu ball
- Back
- Bench press 25kg
- Bench pull 25kg
- Leg press 70kg
- Sit ups
- Rowing motion
- Jumping over a bench
My inventory of what I have at home
- Jumping rope (used now for quick hotel room workout)
- dumbbells 2kg
- Pezzi ball
- A pull up bar to put in a door opening. It doesn’t work because our 1920s doors are too wide
Perhaps the addition of a sandbag, and maybe a simple fitness bench will be enough to create a simple improvised circuit training for when I don’t have time to go to the gym/rowing club. The idea would be to do a 30-40 minute circuit training, then erg. All critique/suggestions/comments welcome!!!!
Today’s rowing
Nice weather: 15 degrees C, windy and medium to medium/big chop. Overcast.
I did my weekly 6km hard distance row, but the lake was really choppy at the Sirka end. My time was over 28 minutes …
The stats are as follows:
|Dist_|Time_|Pace__|_SPM__|avg HR|max HR|DPS|Remarks
|02298|13:55|03:01.7| 18.3 | 148 | 163 |09.0|warming up
|00999|04:12|02:06.1| 25.0 | 173 | 179 |09.5|km 1
|01000|04:16|02:08.0| 24.5 | 179 | 180 |09.6|km 2
|01001|04:22|02:10.9| 24.1 | 179 | 181 |09.5|km 3
|00998|05:27|02:43.8| 23.2 | 179 | 182 |07.9|turn & km 4
|00998|05:00|02:30.3| 23.8 | 182 | 185 |08.4|km 5
|00999|04:52|02:26.2| 24.4 | 183 | 184 |08.4|km 6
|02267|14:31|03:12.1| 17.2 | 143 | 184 |09.1|cooling down
5995_____|_28:09____|_2:20.9|179|24.1|8.8|Main set
2267_____|_14:31____|_3:12.1|143|17.2|9.1|Cool down
Slow, sloppy and choppy … not a good day. Tailwind didn’t speed me up and the headwind slowed me down by a lot.
My Garmin Forerunner 220 froze after 33 minutes of rowing. I had to reset it after the training. Luckily, that worked. Even though, I was already fantasizing that I had a good reason to buy a new GPS watch …
I am glad I build in the redundancy with the CrewNerd / Garmin combo.
I am using tapiriik now so I have all data on Garmin Connect, SportTracks and Strava. Used the Strava segments for the first time to look at my historic data on the 6km. I have defined a 5.8km segment in Strava that should capture my 6km efforts without having to line up on exactly the same starting location every time. Here are the historic data that I captured:
I took a GoPro video of the effort. Will upload it once done processing.
Sep 29 2015
Blagnac Hotel Gym
Up at 3:20 to travel to the airport. A few meetings in Brussels and 2 flights later, I arrive in my hotel room in Toulouse Blagnac at 11:30pm. No training.
If I wanted to get some exercise in, I had to get up at 6am and work out in the hotel gym. Did that. I had to enter the date and time into the Concept2 erg and adjust the brightness so it didn’t show Mura defects.
The plan was to do a 4x2km intensive session, but after such a long day and a short night, I discovered during the warming up that I didn’t have the mental strength to do it.
So after the 2km warming up I did 20 minutes steady state. Very easy, because I didn’t feel like more:
Then I did a few strength exercises. Three sets of eight repeats for each exercise. I discovered a mat and a Pezzi ball, so I used them for situps, back, classical pushups. I also did squats, and all the arm and shoulder exercises possible with the fitness machine, adjusting the weights after the first set if necessary. Thirty minutes in total. It was a bit light on the legs in my opinion. Overall it was probably a bit light but I want to gradually work this into my routine, not do an all out once and then never again.
Then a 1km cooling down and some stretching. Has to be enough for the day.
Having dinner at the Brussels Airlines lounge at Brussels, I finished my exercise planner in excel. It calculates time in different zones. I already used it today to capture what I have done so far this week and adjust the rest of the week to hit the right percentages and fit my schedule.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 1 Comment • Tags: erg, OTE, rowing, steady state, strength