This was supposed to be a heavy week, but I have the feeling that the weeks of business travel and some stressful work issues are taking their toll. I did no exercise on Friday. Partly because I was moderating a full day workshop on strategy, and partly because I needed some rest. Well, if you can’t do volume, you have to make sure there is some intensity. And that was the plan for today.
Meanwhile in Prague, my son Dominik rowed a 1k race in 4:25, coming last in his heat. In two of the four heats, he would have been third and qualified for the semifinals of his National Championships (for 12 year olds).
This morning, we decided to row at 8am. A bit earlier than usually on Saturday, but necessary with this hot weather. The water was great. Mirror flat. A good day to work on race pace and above by doing sprintervals.
I decided for 45 sec sprints, long enough to get into a rhythm and feel how the boat moves, long enough to correct some errors, but short enough to be manageable. I also decided on 1:15min rest, long enough to make sure I would do each interval with maximum focus. A five minute break at the turning points, and you have a 3x(6×45″/1:15)/5′ workout. I also decided to row this at 30/32/34/36/34/32 spm, to make it more interesting.
Work Details
01|00191| 00:45 |01:57.8| 29.3| 152 | 168 | 8.7
02|00193| 00:45 |01:56.5| 32.0| 168 | 176 | 8.0
03|00199| 00:45 |01:53.0| 33.3| 171 | 180 | 8.0
04|00202| 00:45 |01:51.3| 34.7| 173 | 182 | 7.8
05|00199| 00:45 |01:53.0| 32.0| 173 | 181 | 8.3
06|00195| 00:45 |01:55.3| 32.0| 166 | 177 | 8.1
07|00189| 00:45 |01:59.0| 30.7| 159 | 170 | 8.2 - wake
08|00196| 00:45 |01:54.7| 33.3| 170 | 178 | 7.8
09|00202| 00:45 |01:51.3| 34.7| 172 | 179 | 7.8
10|00207| 00:45 |01:48.6| 36.0| 173 | 181 | 7.7
11|00196| 00:45 |01:54.7| 33.3| 175 | 181 | 7.8
12|00187| 00:45 |02:00.3| 32.0| 173 | 177 | 7.8
13|00190| 00:45 |01:58.4| 30.7| 157 | 168 | 8.3
14|00193| 00:45 |01:56.5| 32.0| 169 | 177 | 8.0
15|00196| 00:45 |01:54.7| 33.3| 171 | 178 | 7.8
16|00200| 00:45 |01:52.5| 36.0| 176 | 182 | 7.4
17|00202| 00:45 |01:51.3| 34.7| 172 | 182 | 7.8
18|00196| 00:45 |01:54.7| 32.0| 171 | 179 | 8.2
Workout Summary
--|03533| 13:30 | 1:54.6| 32.9| 169 | 182 | 8.0

In the first series of 6, I rowed a bit too much on power. I corrected that in the second series. I got waked in the first sprint of the second series, but for the rest it was great. Tapping down was good today and reaching high stroke rates was thus very easy.
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Jun 24 2017
Saturday: Sprintervals
This was supposed to be a heavy week, but I have the feeling that the weeks of business travel and some stressful work issues are taking their toll. I did no exercise on Friday. Partly because I was moderating a full day workshop on strategy, and partly because I needed some rest. Well, if you can’t do volume, you have to make sure there is some intensity. And that was the plan for today.
Meanwhile in Prague, my son Dominik rowed a 1k race in 4:25, coming last in his heat. In two of the four heats, he would have been third and qualified for the semifinals of his National Championships (for 12 year olds).
This morning, we decided to row at 8am. A bit earlier than usually on Saturday, but necessary with this hot weather. The water was great. Mirror flat. A good day to work on race pace and above by doing sprintervals.
I decided for 45 sec sprints, long enough to get into a rhythm and feel how the boat moves, long enough to correct some errors, but short enough to be manageable. I also decided on 1:15min rest, long enough to make sure I would do each interval with maximum focus. A five minute break at the turning points, and you have a 3x(6×45″/1:15)/5′ workout. I also decided to row this at 30/32/34/36/34/32 spm, to make it more interesting.
Work Details
01|00191| 00:45 |01:57.8| 29.3| 152 | 168 | 8.7
02|00193| 00:45 |01:56.5| 32.0| 168 | 176 | 8.0
03|00199| 00:45 |01:53.0| 33.3| 171 | 180 | 8.0
04|00202| 00:45 |01:51.3| 34.7| 173 | 182 | 7.8
05|00199| 00:45 |01:53.0| 32.0| 173 | 181 | 8.3
06|00195| 00:45 |01:55.3| 32.0| 166 | 177 | 8.1
07|00189| 00:45 |01:59.0| 30.7| 159 | 170 | 8.2 - wake
08|00196| 00:45 |01:54.7| 33.3| 170 | 178 | 7.8
09|00202| 00:45 |01:51.3| 34.7| 172 | 179 | 7.8
10|00207| 00:45 |01:48.6| 36.0| 173 | 181 | 7.7
11|00196| 00:45 |01:54.7| 33.3| 175 | 181 | 7.8
12|00187| 00:45 |02:00.3| 32.0| 173 | 177 | 7.8
13|00190| 00:45 |01:58.4| 30.7| 157 | 168 | 8.3
14|00193| 00:45 |01:56.5| 32.0| 169 | 177 | 8.0
15|00196| 00:45 |01:54.7| 33.3| 171 | 178 | 7.8
16|00200| 00:45 |01:52.5| 36.0| 176 | 182 | 7.4
17|00202| 00:45 |01:51.3| 34.7| 172 | 182 | 7.8
18|00196| 00:45 |01:54.7| 32.0| 171 | 179 | 8.2
Workout Summary
--|03533| 13:30 | 1:54.6| 32.9| 169 | 182 | 8.0
In the first series of 6, I rowed a bit too much on power. I corrected that in the second series. I got waked in the first sprint of the second series, but for the rest it was great. Tapping down was good today and reaching high stroke rates was thus very easy.
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By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: lake, OTW, rowing, single, sprintervals, training