Jun 1 2017
Wednesday – High Rating Eight
Out in the eight again. I felt guilty for arriving 5 minutes late, but one guy came an hour late. So it was a short training.
This plot is a merger of Garmin data (heart rate, GPS location) with stroke rate and pace from the SpeedCoach.
We did a couple of 30 second intervals with 1 minute rest. Four of them in tailwind, from a rolling start, and four of them in headwind. We also did a race start plus 30 seconds.
We were almost able to hit the prescribed stroke rates (34, 36, 38 and 40 in each series) and the paces were nice. Sweep rowing is nice for a change. A simple short stroke. Just one oar to hold on to. Much less complicated than sculling. I also enjoyed going at much faster paces than in the single.
Our strokes fall apart slightly in the last part of the recovery, just before the catch. For the rest it is fine. If the entire crew were fit, we would be a contender for the win. The problem is that half of the crew thinks they have to pull holes in the water, so they will waste all their energy on the first 300m, creating enormous puddles. After that, we will be in survival mode.
Jun 1 2017
Thursday – Long and Steady Morning Row (birds singing)
This was a great row. The lake was a little choppy but all the canyon part was very flat, oily water. The birds were singing in the forest. It was 20 degrees C at the start of another tropical day.
I did 3min@18spm/2min@20spm/1min@22spm and just kept repeating that until I arrived at the little waterfall in Veverska Bytiska, where I turned around, did two minutes of rest to arrive at a multiple of three minutes on the elapsed time, and started again, repeating until I was 400m away from our dock.
And here are a few pictures to compare this workout with similar ones:
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 3 • Tags: OTW, river, rowing, single, steady state