Jun 17 2016
Travel = Bad Training
Wednesday, Thursday
I wanted to go running but I didn’t manage to. On Wednesday I woke up with a headache and feeling an upcoming cold, as well as tired from the long day at the conference the day before, which ended with a welcome cocktail. I remained in bed long enough to pass the last moment to get up and get a decent training in before having to go to the venue.
Same thing on Thursday. Then it was even harder, because this was the morning after the VIP dinner. I left very early (some were still sending pictures to social media at 4am … not really pictures you want to spread by the way, but who am I to comment), but still reached bed way after midnight.
A conference is hard work. There were fun parts too:

Being back in Amsterdam was fun as well. Even though I didn’t have time to visit my family, being back in the place where I was born and spent a large part of my adolescent years was fun. Nostalgic fun.
So a lot of eating and drinking, socializing, talking, explaining, listening, etc. The good thing was that the temperatures in the auditorium were so high that my suit doubled as a wearable sauna and I actually lost weight during these few days. :-/
So today I was going to do my fun OTW training, 16×45″/60″R at 1000m race pace.
It wasn’t to be. The wind was so strong I didn’t even have to drive to the lake. No way I would be able to row a decent workout on the water.
So back to the erg.
Not fun. I did a 2k warming up, then dialed up a 45″/60″ rest workout and started doing it. I do these workouts at 1k pace, which means just under 1:40/500m. Every fourth interval I go full out to prove that the 1k pace is slower than max. Slow down if the “full out” interval turns out not to be faster than the last few intervals. I guess my explanation is confusing … please comment if you don’t get it but are interested to know.
After 8 intervals I comforted myself with the thought of being half way.
Then in the 9th interval I handed down. Just like that.
My “inner coach” (see this comment) talked to me during the rest period but couldn’t convince me to get rowing and finish the workout.
So I dialed up a 4k and rowed that one out, starting at 2:00 pace and slowly slowing down:
Tomorrow: 4x1k on the water and I should really video it.
Jun 18 2016
4x1km – good enough
So today was a 4x1km with 5 minutes rest. On the water. In the single. Target pace 2:01 in “neutral” weather, or the equivalent of that in whatever weather I would get.
There was a light SouthEast wind. Enough to reach great paces during the tailwind warming up. Enough to slow me down to 2:04 in the first headwind 1000m effort.
But I would have 2 headwind and 2 tailwind 1000m intervals, right? Well, no. During the third interval the wind turned and the final interval was with some headwind as well.
It’s funny. No chop, but still a significant slowing down. Here’s the video.
Even though I row on our lake regularly, I still find it very beautiful. Now with dark green leaves. Also watch my newly painted blades!
Workout Summary - media/20160618-131748-2016-06-18-0906.CSV
Workout Details
01|02858| 16:32 |02:52.2|18.2|143.0|171.0|09.6
02|01000| 04:09 |02:04.6|28.9|171.0|178.0|08.3
03|01000| 03:54 |01:57.1|29.4|170.0|180.0|08.7
04|01000| 04:12 |02:06.0|29.5|171.0|179.0|08.1
05|01000| 04:01 |02:00.6|29.6|169.0|181.0|08.4
06|01935| 11:45 |03:02.2|17.5|142.0|156.0|09.4
So 2:04.6, 1:57.1, 2:06.0, 2:00.6, that’s a 2:02.8 average pace. Not 2:01, but not bad.
Looking at the video, I should do two things:
It was beautiful weather. Nice little clouds. Here’s a few pics I took after the row:
And here is the entire row in graphs:
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: 4x1km, lake, OTW, rowing, single, training