Mar 25 2020
Time to Fly
A rest day.
I did one of the steady state sessions of the SAHRC (Stuck at Home Rowing Club). It was nice and sunny weather, but cold. I rowed on the static erg on my terrace.
The session was 4 rounds of the Concept2 “Darts Game“. It’s a fun game that rewards stroke to stroke consistency. I settled for 20 SPM and a very easy 2:05 pace, but in each round I found myself gradually speeding up. My high score was 14250, and I am determined to improve on that. You get 50 points when you hit the bull’s eye, and each game is 300 strokes. I felt failure with every stroke that was 25 points. To make things worse, the 25 point strokes seemed to come in pairs.
It’s a great way to achieve total focus, though. And I needed that. My day job is in the Aerospace sector, and that’s not a fun industry to be in right now. I talk to a lot of people who are in very tough situations. It does help to put in perspective the personal impact and the impact on my group of people, but it’s still tough sometimes.
This is the chart. That is four rounds of darts games. The high score (14250) is the last one. You can see where I lost points on the other rounds. A bit worried about my heart rate being so high. Morning pulse is a stable value between 45 and 50 beats per minute, though. So I think I am OK.
Another tough day in “the home office”. I am starting to forget what my “office office” looks like. Luckily, I managed to set out a 2 hour window for some daylight exercise.
The original plan was to do an interval session on the erg. However, just 30 minutes before my exercise window, my new trail running shoes were delivered:
These are “Hoka One One Torrent“. So I had to take them for a spin. “Time to Fly” is the Hoka slogan, and that inspired me.
I am hesitating to write about running outdoors. I know that in some countries even that is forbidden now, and I know how jealous I get when I see people posting about their rowing on lakes and rivers. However, the current lockdown seems to be effective, and no stricter measures were taken (so far), so we are allowed to go out “for fresh air” (with no range specification) as long as we cover nose and mouth and keep 2 meters distance from other people. The following photos were taken during the run and they were typical, so you can see I complied:
Something went wrong with the GPS tracking in the first half of the run, so I only have the track for the second half:
When I returned home, my youngest son was doing his body weight workout on the garage roof / terrace. I tried to take a picture of him in action, but he refused, so this is the only photo I got:
Mar 31 2020
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Another week in lockdown. So, what’s happened.
The Bad and the Ugly
This first graph shows the number of people tested positively on COVID-19 in the Czech Republic. The chart starts on January 27 and ends on March 30. The schools closed on March 10, State of Emergency on March 12 and near complete lockdown on March 16. It’s an ugly graph.
Here is a chart with the number of newly positively tested per day. In the period coverer in the chart, test capacity ramped up from 1000 per day on March 17 to 5000 per day on March 30. This is a hopeful chart. Even more hopeful is the day over day percentage growth of the positively tested.
That’s the black line on the chart (axis on the right), which starts on March 8 and ends today. We’re on the second day of single digit growth.
The bad is that 27 people have died, many are fighting for their life, and we’re expecting the deaths starting to peak. We’re also not at the critical level in the hospitals, where the mortality rate makes a step because there simply is no capacity to treat everyone. I am hoping we can avoid that scenario.
Also in the category “bad” and very sad news is the death of a 48 year old nurse. The story is fragmented, but here is what I understood. She admitted one of the first Corona patients to the hospital, got infected and, without knowing it, probably infected more than 40 other hospital staff. She was put in quarantine and made an end to her life a few days ago. What we also know is that a huge crowd of know-it-alls was badmouthing her on social media, and she took this very heavily. Even though the ministry of health and the hospital leadership stood on her side with the message that she was not to blame, we lost her. These people are working under immense pressure, in a very dynamic environment, and should not be judged by people who don’t understand their jobs. Everyone makes mistakes and wrong decisions unknowingly. The news made me angry.
More sad news is that heroin addicts are now without heroin. This is going to lead to additional deaths.
There doesn’t seem to be too much positive news.
So here is one positive picture. It was taken from the center of Prague, and it shows the snow covered Giant Mountains in the background. Yes, that’s a visibility of 140 to 150 kilometers. The cold winter weather combined with very low levels of pollution have made the sky so clear.
Working Out at Home
So, that puts all that is following into perspective. Nothing sad or heroic will follow. Just a Masters Rower working from home, trying to do his daily routines.
On Thursday, 26 March, I did Eric Murray’s 10x1min/1min session.
Unfortunately, BoatCoach stopped recording after a few intervals, so here is the warming up and the first part of the workout:
Here is the workout summary as copied from the PM:
Workout Summary - media/281ddb1e44-20200326-154801-dummy_workout_templateo.csv
Workout Details
It was good. I may have been able to go a little faster even. I was thinking 1:44 was a good 2000m pace, and according instructions did the first 6 intervals slightly slower, intervals 7, 8 and 9 at that pace and interval 10 to empty the tank. In the 1min/1min genre of workouts, I am frankly used to doing more intervals.
But it was a sweet little workout.
On Friday, I did a land workout. A week ago, it was squatting and jumping that dominated the workout. This time, it seemed heavy on core work. But overall, it was a bit lighter. It was beautiful weather, so I took some pictures of my improvised gym:
On Saturday, I was supposed to do a threshold ergometer workout, but I just did a walk in the forest with Romana instead. Escape the cage. We kept social distance.
On Sunday, I did the Eric Murray steady state work (4×8 minutes):
It was a nice and short workout:
It stung a little bit in the end, but not as much as today’s steady state workout:
5km @ 18 SPM, 4km @ 20 SPM, 3km @ 22 SPM, 2km @ 24 SPM, 1km @ 26 SPM.
As you can see, I started the 2km at 24 SPM, but dropped to 20 SPM after 500m. I just didn’t like it that my heart rate was so high. I like my steady state to be rate (and heart rate) limited. This workout was a little too much at the end. Anyway, I got some good meters in here. It was cold weather. In the morning, it had been snowing, but when I rowed there was some sun. When there was a cloud in front of the sun, I found it a little chilly, but in the direct sunshine, it was a little warm. Well, you can’t have it all. It’s good to be outside.
I spend about 14 hours per day looking at this:
As many of you, my only contact with my coworkers is through a screen. It sucks.
But it’s a lot better than all the bad stuff at the top of my post.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 0