Dec 17 2016
A short, long run

Time for the weekly running event. It was -6C when we started out, three of Romana’s girls/women and I.

We ran along the lake, and then near the castle we took a right turn into the forest. We had a fairy-tale like view on the castle. Something like this. The trees were frozen as in the picture, but there was no snow on the roof:
Running through the forest, we encountered many deer, which was good because the girls started to be tired and spotting the animals was a good distraction.
Only at that stage I found out that Zdiška had been on the rowing club since 8am, doing an erg training that she had missed during the week. So she did a hard interval workout (the Pete Plan Pyramid) followed by a 14km run. Wow!
We finished the run in good spirits, despite one girl having a painful blister, so all was good.
For me it was a slow run. Not too long in kilometers, but long in time.
Dec 18 2016
No fruit or vegetables were delivered
Thursday. A long version of the hotel gym workout.
15 minutes elliptical
15 minutes treadmill
15 minutes spinning
Followed by 45 minutes of weight lifting. It left me quite sore on Friday and Saturday, but that’s good.
Here is a photo of the view from the hotel gym. Exactly what I am staring at during the elliptical and treadmill part of the workout. There is a traffic light in front of the hotel, so one can study cars and trams driving past and waiting for the traffic light. Sometimes, fruit and vegetable delivery to the Carrefour Express on the corner coincides with my hotel workout. This time, such a highlight did not occur. I must have studied every detail of those roofs and of the brown building on the right during the past 7 years.
The plan for Friday was to cycle to work and come back with the car, which was waiting for me in the parking garage of our office. It was too cold and slippery to cycle. There were other priorities in the afternoon, so no exercise took place.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 1 Comment • Tags: hotel gym, training, weights