Apr 18 2018
Saturday – A great row in the double
In the double with my wife Romana.
The first row in 2018 and it was great. The water was mirror flat when we launched, but degraded slightly during the training. We did technique drills at low spm and then we went on to do a rate ladder. The boat was moving nicely and lightly, so the next lake length was another rate ladder, but going a bit higher. We ended up at 24 spm and enjoying ourselves greatly.
Almost 12 km in a little over an hour.
Apr 18 2018
3x(3x2min/2min) in the Single
Romana went out in the double with her partner Veronika and I took the single. I was looking forward to this workout, and a little worried about the prescribed stroke rates:
The coach always writes stroke rates for bigger boats, so for a single we are supposed to subtract 2. Still, I haven’t spent much time at stroke rates above 25spm this year, and the water was a little rough.
It was, actually, ideal weather for the youth sailing regatta happening on the south end of the lake, confining us rowers to its northern half:
A bit of a zig zag course. I warmed up to Rokle (top left on the map) and then on to the start of the 2k course (top middle, close to “Osada”). I did two of the three intervals in headwind (south direction), followed by a turn, and then one interval in tailwind, followed by a paddle back to the start of the 2k. In the last series, I had to change course quite abruptly at the beginning of the second 2 minute interval, to avoid a crash course with some sailing boats, so I rowed the last interval in front of the rowing club, and the cooling down was quite short.
I am pretty happy with the stroke rates I managed, especially given that the charts below seem to suggest I was holding up technique pretty well at the higher rates, despite the choppy water. This is in line with what I felt during the row.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: 1x, intervals, OTW, rowing, single, training