A relaxing row in the morning, with Romana in the double. This was a steady state/technique/recovery row, so nothing too taxing. But as Romana and I have a national title to defend, and want to row well in the mixed double at EuroMasters in Munich, we mixed in a few race pace intervals.

We did a 20 stroke piece at 32spm in front of the Lodni Sporty rowing club. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice that CrewNerd+XGPS160 got stuck at 1:48 pace until we turned around and rowed a bit. So that explains the strange graph between 22 and 27 minutes into the row.
The 32spm piece was encouraging. We were rowing this one with a stiff tailwind and some waves, which usually makes it difficult to get the boat to run well, but Romana and I managed to get into a very good rhythm. Also the 2km in headwind was very nice. Without any significant effort we were in 2:15 – 2:25 pace and the boat felt rock solid.
At the start of the 2k, we did a race start plus a few strokes (until the end of the red buoys) and it was great. Normally tailwind starts are messy, but we managed to get the pace down really low. I saw 1:42 when I took a quick glance at CrewNerd, and for a mixed double that is a great pace.
Must get a few more sessions in the double with Romana before the Masters Nationals. I row in many boats with medal chances, but for her the mixed 2x is the only boat with chances of winning.
Romana went home and I took the boys, as well as Lenka and her partner Iva to Aqualand Moravia. Lenka and Iva were at the end of the last heavy training week before their Juniors Nationals and they deserved some relaxing. The boys have been asking for a trip to Aqualand Moravia for ages. So off we went.
It is really a great place. It’s a 35 minute drive outside of Brno, towards the Austrian border. When they started to build the pools, they discovered an ancient Roman settlement. The aquapark uses thermal water of the best quality. When Dominik was small, he had dermatitis problems. One day, we went to the aquapark, and after a few hours in the water, all his skin problems were gone.
On top of that, there are numerous attractions, so time went by very quickly. 🙂
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Jun 19 2016
A relaxing row in the morning, with Romana in the double. This was a steady state/technique/recovery row, so nothing too taxing. But as Romana and I have a national title to defend, and want to row well in the mixed double at EuroMasters in Munich, we mixed in a few race pace intervals.
We did a 20 stroke piece at 32spm in front of the Lodni Sporty rowing club. Unfortunately, I didn’t notice that CrewNerd+XGPS160 got stuck at 1:48 pace until we turned around and rowed a bit. So that explains the strange graph between 22 and 27 minutes into the row.
The 32spm piece was encouraging. We were rowing this one with a stiff tailwind and some waves, which usually makes it difficult to get the boat to run well, but Romana and I managed to get into a very good rhythm. Also the 2km in headwind was very nice. Without any significant effort we were in 2:15 – 2:25 pace and the boat felt rock solid.
At the start of the 2k, we did a race start plus a few strokes (until the end of the red buoys) and it was great. Normally tailwind starts are messy, but we managed to get the pace down really low. I saw 1:42 when I took a quick glance at CrewNerd, and for a mixed double that is a great pace.
Must get a few more sessions in the double with Romana before the Masters Nationals. I row in many boats with medal chances, but for her the mixed 2x is the only boat with chances of winning.
Romana went home and I took the boys, as well as Lenka and her partner Iva to Aqualand Moravia. Lenka and Iva were at the end of the last heavy training week before their Juniors Nationals and they deserved some relaxing. The boys have been asking for a trip to Aqualand Moravia for ages. So off we went.
It is really a great place. It’s a 35 minute drive outside of Brno, towards the Austrian border. When they started to build the pools, they discovered an ancient Roman settlement. The aquapark uses thermal water of the best quality. When Dominik was small, he had dermatitis problems. One day, we went to the aquapark, and after a few hours in the water, all his skin problems were gone.
On top of that, there are numerous attractions, so time went by very quickly. 🙂
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By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: double, lake, OTW, rowing, training