On the way to Prague to the races. Staid at my mother in law in Ostresany. Went for a short run in the morning. At 7 am it was already very hot, so it really was a short run. Saw about 20 hares and a pair of pheasants.
I will just be a spectator this weekend. Two weeks ago, when I had the issue with my back, I gave up my seat in the eight. Now of course I am regretting that. Still it was probably a wise decision.
I will be in the crowd this afternoon, beer in hand, watching “my” eight win!
Yesterday afternoon UPS delivered the Trigger Point Therapy Workbook. I have been reading it in the train. Eager to try out but need to get a tennis ball.
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Jun 6 2015
Morning run
I will just be a spectator this weekend. Two weeks ago, when I had the issue with my back, I gave up my seat in the eight. Now of course I am regretting that. Still it was probably a wise decision.
I will be in the crowd this afternoon, beer in hand, watching “my” eight win!
Yesterday afternoon UPS delivered the Trigger Point Therapy Workbook. I have been reading it in the train. Eager to try out but need to get a tennis ball.
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By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 5 • Tags: running