Taper for no race

I am following the official training plan of the Masters group of our club now. It’s a watered down version of what the Juniors are doing. We’re tapering for an erg regatta coming Saturday.

Unfortunately, I probably won’t be able to travel to Pardubice. We have a couple of sick kids in the family. Gotta stay at home and do the 2k on my own rower. Oh well.

Today was 2k warming up, followed by 2×15 minutes at 19 and 21spm. A luxurious 4 minutes of rest.

Workout Summary - media/20170125-1943230o.csv
Workout Details

Something cool about the Power Pie Chart (at least in my opinion). On Rowsandall.com, I have made the Power Zones more flexible. You can now name them as you want and change the zone boundaries to your liking. So I named the lowest zone “Rest”.

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