Oct 19 2016
October CTC – A season’s best by default
It was easy to expect a season’s best. With all the splashing around in boats, I hadn’t done a serious hard 10k since the start of the erg “year” on May 1.
Normally, I do a 6k around this time of the year, as a baseline to measure progress against through the winter. But then the PaddyPower October CTC came along, a straight 10k, so I changed my plans. I will do the 6k in a few weeks time. I consulted my pace predictor:

The blue line predicted a 1:54.0 pace, the green line even suggested a 1:53.1 pace. Given that my PB from last March is 37:45.4, which is 1:53.3 pace, I figured I would definitely be closer to 1:54, if not even slower. So I started conservatively, at 1:56 pace, and gradually turned up the heat as the row went along.
The 1:56 pace in the beginning meant that I fell into a low stroke rate groove, which I didn’t like. I always feel that I am tiring the legs too much, and if I could lighten up and rate up slightly, and row this pace at 25spm insteady of 23/24spm, I would arrive at the half way mark fresher. But somehow this is a very difficult thing to do on fresh legs.
The hardest part with between 7km to go and 3km to go. After that I set smart intermediate targets. I arrived at the 3km to go mark with a 1:55.5 average pace, and I tried to get the average down by one tenth at a time, taking something between 500m and 700m for each tenth.
Of course I did manage to rate up as the row continued. Here is the stroke cloud:
I basically moved from the left part of the cloud to the right part as time passed by.
And just because we can calculate it, I will throw in a histogram as well:

Oct 22 2016
Morning Mist – Single Outing
We were discussing the fall yesterday on a little rowing oriented group. The discussion started around the beautiful fall colors that accompany the Head of the Charles Regatta. Then someone posted this:
So, I could just as well stop this blog post here, because it’s not going to get more beautiful.
Still, it was a beautiful autumn day today. It started misty but then it became nice and sunny. I took a video of my 60 minutes Steady State row. You can see how misty it was.
I rowed a 12km steady state. The original plan was to row all the way to Veverska Bityska, but I had to turn about 500m past the castle. I suddenly noticed that I could see the bottom of the river about 10cm below my boat. When I turned the single, I got into even shallower water. My blade hit the bottom. Luckily, the bottom is muddy and weak, but I wouldn’t want to run my fin over a rock.
The gorge/river part was less misty, but when I got back on the lake, there was even thicker mist than when I left. In the final 3km, I met 4 pairs, two singles and a ladies/girls eight. With the mist, you see the oncoming boats only in the last moment, and you have to look around constantly.
There was a weird silence on the lake, in this weather.
Here’s the workout in numbers:
Workout Summary - media/20161022-110913-Sanders SpeedCoach 20161022 0954amo.csv
Workout Details
I took a few pictures when I was doing groceries. This part of Brno is where the city ends, with the usual malls and car dealers, then it transitions into small hills with villages.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: OTW, rowing, single, steady state