Oct 7 2018
More traveling – the voice of the water
Thursday, September 27th
I flew to Brussels and ended up doing some work in my hotel room, too lazy to go find a swimming pool or hit the hotel fitness.
Friday, September 28th
I did hit the hotel gym and it was a good 90 minutes session. Not bad. Weights training mainly but I did a long warming up on the treadmill and elliptical.
After my meetings in Brussels, I took a train to Antwerp and had dinner with my sister. I staid over at her place, taking the opportunity to do some laundry as well.
Saturday, September 29th
No training. I took a train to my parent’s place. It’s quite a long ride from Antwerp. First the Benelux train to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport and then an intercity train to Enschede.
It was a nice trip though. I liked watching the familiar flat landscape, and crossing the big rivers between the South Netherlands and the North Netherlands is always spectacular, especially the wide river at Hollands Diep (Rhine and Meuse estuary).

It was my mother’s birthday, and we had a good time chatting on the terrace in the autumn sun. We also went for a 2×40 minutes hike, interrupted by a tea break, and we had dinner together.
Sunday, September 30th
I said goodbye to my parents and took a train to Zoetermeer, close to The Hague, to visit Ele Jan, an old rowing friend, and his family. In the afternoon we went to the Rijnland rowing club, now on a new location, and went out rowing. Ele Jan, Ad and myself. We took a C 3x, a boat type that I haven’t seen outside The Netherlands. It’s basically a touring type boat, wider and heavier than a standard shell. These boats are sturdy. They are not exactly coastal boats. Here’s a picture of a typical C boat:
It was good we took the C boat. It was a glorious, sunny Sunday afternoon, and about everyone in Leiden, Voorschoten and Leidschendam were taking their motor boat for a tour. We were constantly washed by their wakes, and we needed the extra stability of the C boat to be able to row through the waves.
Tuesday, October 2
On Monday I took a train to Vught where I would take part in a three day management training course. I went for a run on Tuesday morning but didn’t do anything on Wednesday.
It was quite dark at 6am, so I had to stay on the town streets and couldn’t run in the forest.
On Wednesday evening I took a train to Amsterdam. Took another picture of a river crossing from the train.
“Holland … wide rivers flowing slowly through endless low lands.” That’s from the start of a famous poem by Henri Marsman. Here’s an English translation:
Thinking of HollandI see broad riverslanguidly windingthrough endless fen,lines of incrediblytenuous poplarslike giant plumeson the polder’s rim;and sunk in tremendousopen expanses,the farmsteads scatteredacross the plain:coppices, hamlets,squat towers and churchesand elms composinga rich domain.Low leans the skyand slowly the sunin mist of motherof pearl grows blurred,and far and widethe voice of the water,of endless disaster,is heard and feared.
Thursday, October 4
On Thursday, I traveled back home to Brno. In the afternoon I had time to get in a nice Head Race preparation session. It was more or less free form, but the core part was alternating 30 strokes at head race pace with 30 light strokes.
I had forgotten to change the battery in the oarlock, so the power data stopped about 4km before the end of the row.
After the row I prepared my boat for transport and loaded it on the trailer.
No rowing on Friday. A rest day before race day.
Jan 9 2019
After the Marathon
After the Marathon
I took two days off. A planned rest day on January 1, and an unplanned one on January 2. Too busy.
Thursday – Steady State
First a 56 minute steady state row:
After that I rowed a (pretty slow) 100m for the virtual race The Dash, followed by a 5 minute cooling down. The session goals were met.
Friday – Swim
Nothing special, except for the fact that the pool was full. There were a lot of New Year Resolution swimmers. I guess it will be back to normal by Mid January.
It also seemed a bit like a whale convention in the sense that the body size of the “new” swimmers was quite a bit larger than that of the regular swimmers. Also the usual automatic sorting of lanes by swimming speed didn’t seem to work. A lot of overtaking, and my usual 2k took ten minutes longer than usual.
Saturday – Weights
I used the weights room at the club and including a 10 minute warm up and a 5 minute cool down I did 80 minutes of thorough weights and body weight exercises. Pretty happy with that. Proper bench pull, something my local gym doesn’t offer.
Sunday – 5x1500m on tandem erg
Workout Summary - media/20190106-1506330o.csv
Workout Details
A weird session. I did this at the club with a group of other Masters rowers. Romana and I had set up two ergs on slides in a tandem configuration, me on stroke seat. I thought I would be able to go faster on the slides than on the static erg, and that’s how I rowed the first two intervals. Then, I paid for that.
Technique wise I think it was a great session. We rowed in front of a mirror and I could watch Romana’s shoulder completely in sync with mine.
Also, rowing on slides is so much more like on the water rowing, and much more gentle on the back than the static erg.
One of our Masters made a quick video of Romana and me on the erg. Technique critique is welcome. This was not part of the intervals session but filmed during the cooling down (although I rated up a bit for the video).
Here’s two of our lady Masters trying out the tandem:
The lady in stroke seat is Lubica who participated in the Barcelona Olympics. Bow lady rowed at the Moscow Olympics, I believe, but I am not 100% sure. I will have to ask her next time.
Monday – Steady UT1/AT session
This is a rowing machine session that gets you working on the border between UT1 and AT power zones. It’s a bit harder than the usual steady state and a good workout that requires focus.
Row 4×10 minutes with 3 minutes rest. The 10 minute intervals are 9 minutes at 22 spm, 1 minute at 24 spm.
Note that I had some difficulties in the fourth interval.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: concept2, cross training, erg, intervals, OTE, rowing, steady state, training