Feb 24 2018
Last Week
I didn’t have time to blog, but I did train.
Steady State
Fifty five minutes of swimming. Good recovery workout. There weren’t many people in the pool on Monday morning, which was nice. This was originally planned for Wednesday, but I had a business dinner on Monday evening, so I chose to move the 5x1500m erg workout to Wednesday.
5x1500m/5min. A classical Pete Plan workout.
Workout Summary - media/20180220-1921420o.csv
Workout Details
I was aiming for “1:52 or better” and had to play concentration games to manage that. The best intervals were the third and fourth ones, where I managed to accelerate slightly and see many 1:50 pace strokes around the 1200m to go point. In the final interval, I was too tired to manage anything else than staying slightly ahead of a 1:52 average pace.
Any plans to work out went out of the window because of a 8pm conference call. I hate it when my calls line up in such a way that I have 1 hour or 30 minute breaks, which are just too short to do anything.
Now I had a choice to do either the Wednesday workout (steady state) or the Thursday one (4x2km). I chose the steady state, thinking that it would be a better time investment with regard to preparing for the season.
I limited the row to the minimum to make my training plan happy. I wasn’t feeling to well and there is a flu going around at work, so I didn’t want to go too deep.
Friday, Sprinterval day. I worked out my training plan for the next 9 days, and because next week ends with a business trip to Finland, I have to pack the high intensity erg workouts in the beginning of this microcycle.
I am coming out of a threshold training block, so it’s been a long time since I have done sprintervals and I wasn’t really sure what to expect. This session of 20x45sec/75sec is supposed to be rowed at a pace from which you can still accelerate, so not full out. I tested this by going faster every fifth interval.
The interval stats don’t work too well for these short intervals, but I was at 340W average for the “easy” intervals, and above 400W for the “hard” intervals. It was very well manageable. The final sprint was a full out one. It shows that I had something left in the tank.
So that was the week in summary. One missed workout. One run which was short because of time pressure. A few pretty good sessions.
Feb 25 2018
Hard Work
Saturday wasn’t hard, just a normal hour of steady state.
Sunday – intervals at 26spm
This was the hard day.
I rowed this with Romana in the erg room of our rowing club. It was a great sunny day, just a little cold. Maximum temperature -7 degrees C and below -15 during the night. I had to Row this with sunglasses because the sun was shining in my face.
With Romana, we agreed to replace the 500m with a time based interval of 1:50 duration. This would allow us to Row this next to each other in the same stroke rate. Unfortunately, it was only during the workout Execution that we thought of rowing this on slides as a double, two ergs behind each other. Next time.
Romana confirmed my suspicions that she is in great form to break 8 minutes. I managed to row each interval above 500m.
The Power values in the chart are a bit weird. I rowed this on an erg with PM3 monitor, attached to PainSled running on the iPhone through the usb cable. The PM3 Power values during rest intervals are not updated, which confused PainSled.,
By sanderroosendaal • rowing • 0 Comments • Tags: concept2, erg, OTE, rowing, threshold, training