A different kind of training

We are two rowing clubs in Brno. Our club is called “Czech Rowing Club Brno” (CVK Brno). We are blue. On the other side of the lake there is “Boat Sports Brno” (LS Brno). They are red.

We do compete on the water, but we also collaborate. Today, LS Brno organized a First Aid Training, and about half of the participants, including Romana and myself, were from CVK Brno.

So while we had a rest day training-wise, we were active the entire day. This training involved a lot of action. We got to train first aid in various situations, with actors acting out various injuries. Very discomforting, very confusing, but also extremely useful. Between 9am and 6pm, I role played saving about 10 lives in various situations.

We have to acknowledge that accidents can happen on rowing clubs and during races, and it is good when as many people as possible know what to do and what not to do in such situations. I definitely recommend training this with club members, and if you decide to do it, chose a training where you practice yourself. Only learning the theory doesn’t work.

I did such a training 10 years ago and the little bits I remembered definitely helped when I was in a situation where calling an ambulance was needed. Today’s refresher really helped.