Warm, but damp after rain during the night. Twenty degrees. Almost no wind.
The session was a 40″ on / 40″ off. Similar to the session of Wednesday, but 10 seconds longer work and 10 seconds longer rest. Trying to work on relax during the recovery at the higher stroke rates, which led to a slightly lower stroke rate for some of the intervals.
Workout Summary - media/20160722-072853-2016-07-22-0723.csv
Workout Details
01|02896| 16:28 |02:46.7|18.0|129.0|167.0|10.0
02|00181| 00:40 |01:50.4|34.6|137.0|168.0|07.9 - standing start
03|00187| 00:40 |01:46.1|31.8|171.0|177.0|08.9
04|00187| 00:40 |01:45.7|33.3|172.0|178.0|08.5
05|00187| 00:40 |01:45.7|34.9|173.0|180.0|08.1
06|00181| 00:40 |01:49.2|33.4|172.0|177.0|08.2
07|00181| 00:40 |01:48.8|31.9|171.0|177.0|08.6
08|03105| 18:57 |02:59.8|16.9|152.0|175.0|09.9

I have been mystified by the “equivalent erg pace” on the plots on rowsandall.com. I was running the exact same algorithm as when I calculate it off-line, but the equivalent erg pace looked weird. Turns out I did one averaging step too much after the calculation of the result. So here is the proud result of today’s row, Power and Erg pace calculated by rowsandall.com, from the OTW pace and stroke rate, using the 2x rigging and weight parameters:

You can play with the original (interactive plot) here: http://rowsandall.com/rowers/workout/531/interactiveotwplot
So pushing around 1:39 – 1:40 Concept2 erg pace, which sounds about right. It is also interesting to note that the often heard phrase “erg pace is a four” is not true. It depends a lot on the crew weight, and it also depends on the actual pace. Looks like in sprint races our mix double is slightly slower than the erg.
Received some great photos of our friends/competitors in the Mixed Double, Karel and Vendula. They had the bronze, we had the silver 🙂 :

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Jul 22 2016
40″/40″ in the double with Romana
Warm, but damp after rain during the night. Twenty degrees. Almost no wind.
The session was a 40″ on / 40″ off. Similar to the session of Wednesday, but 10 seconds longer work and 10 seconds longer rest. Trying to work on relax during the recovery at the higher stroke rates, which led to a slightly lower stroke rate for some of the intervals.
Workout Summary - media/20160722-072853-2016-07-22-0723.csv
Workout Details
01|02896| 16:28 |02:46.7|18.0|129.0|167.0|10.0
02|00181| 00:40 |01:50.4|34.6|137.0|168.0|07.9 - standing start
03|00187| 00:40 |01:46.1|31.8|171.0|177.0|08.9
04|00187| 00:40 |01:45.7|33.3|172.0|178.0|08.5
05|00187| 00:40 |01:45.7|34.9|173.0|180.0|08.1
06|00181| 00:40 |01:49.2|33.4|172.0|177.0|08.2
07|00181| 00:40 |01:48.8|31.9|171.0|177.0|08.6
08|03105| 18:57 |02:59.8|16.9|152.0|175.0|09.9
I have been mystified by the “equivalent erg pace” on the plots on rowsandall.com. I was running the exact same algorithm as when I calculate it off-line, but the equivalent erg pace looked weird. Turns out I did one averaging step too much after the calculation of the result. So here is the proud result of today’s row, Power and Erg pace calculated by rowsandall.com, from the OTW pace and stroke rate, using the 2x rigging and weight parameters:
You can play with the original (interactive plot) here: http://rowsandall.com/rowers/workout/531/interactiveotwplot
So pushing around 1:39 – 1:40 Concept2 erg pace, which sounds about right. It is also interesting to note that the often heard phrase “erg pace is a four” is not true. It depends a lot on the crew weight, and it also depends on the actual pace. Looks like in sprint races our mix double is slightly slower than the erg.
Received some great photos of our friends/competitors in the Mixed Double, Karel and Vendula. They had the bronze, we had the silver 🙂 :

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By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: double, lake, OTW, rowing, sprintervals