Jun 2 2015
Annual test and steady state
Steady State
On Monday we rigged our double and Romana and I took it for a leisurely 6km steady state. Just recreational speed:
2932_____|_13:43____|_2:20.3|140|18.8|11.4|Main set
0988_____|_06:22____|_3:13.4|121|17.6|8.8|Cool down
0096_____|_03:11____|_16:36.7|117|18.1|1.7|rest meters
Testing Day
This morning I went for the annual medical checkup. It’s still not compulsory but I find it interesting.
Morning urine: OK
Blood: Waiting for lab results
Fat: 7.9% (0.1% more than a year ago). A bit more fat on the belly and on the thighs. All within the measurement error if you ask me.
Weight: 71.8kg (0.2kg more than a year ago)
Lung vital capacity: 5.45 L – exceeding last year’s value by 2% but I believe this is all in the measurement error. Anyway, I was told it is a good value.
The doctor recommended to see a physio more often (well I never go, so perhaps I should start) because of some hard spots in my back muscles. Also she recommended to strengthen my lats. Funny, one would think that rowing would strengthen them.
Should do more stretching as well.
Blood pressure before exercise OK. Electrocardiogram OK.
Then it was time for the spiro test on the cycle. Before the test, I asked what my last year’s results were. Apparently I stopped at 355W and 182 bpm heart rate. OK. Challenge.
I reached 370W, at roughly the same HR (don’t remember by “heart” now, so will have to wait for email with test results).
But the doctor didn’t like that I had a slightly high blood pressure at one point during the exercise. Also they didn’t like how long it took (10 minutes) to drop. Hm.
So I bought this beauty, the Omron M6 AC, and will measure regularly:
Arriving at work, I had two cups of strong coffee, than sat down and measured myself. Values were OK. I think the high values during the test were an anomaly, or perhaps some fatigue, or “white coat hypertension”. The doctor asked if I had stress at work.
Difficult to judge how stressful their work is, but it looked more relaxed than what I do.
Anyhow, will keep measuring and looking forward to the complete test results.
What stresses me out is that my single is still in Hodonín. I agreed to have it on the second trailer load, assuming that he would turn around to pick up the remaining boats on Monday evening or Tuesday morning, but this didn’t happen. God knows when he will pick them up. It’s time to buy that small trailer.
I wrote the manufacturer today. I am ordering the same trailer that I saw. Just adding one small cross-beam on the midde layer, to make it easier to carry doubles and pairs. See the yellow dot:
Jun 2 2015
A few pictures from Saturday’s race
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 0 Comments • Tags: double, OTW, race, rowing