Dec 17 2018
December 4th – December 17th Training Log
Another long bout of silence on this training blog. I was busy with work priorities, as well as finishing the new Indoor Virtual Racing functionality on Here’s the overview:
So the rest of the week of December 3 was weak in terms of training. I was at a conference in Salzburg and there was too much going on to get in the training. So the first session I did was a steady state of 4×12’/3′, which I replaced with a solid hour of rowing on the erg.
Then, on Sunday, we did another group row at the rowing club. Again 2x(8x500m/70″)/5min. A bit shorter rest intervals. I tried to hold the same split as in the week before, but failed dramatically in the second series. Here are the intervals for that second series:
You can see how I crashed both in terms of pace and Work per Stroke. Not nice.
On Monday December 10th, I was supposed to do steady state, prescribed as warming up, 2x25min, cooling down. Because we were testing the indoor virtual regattas, I did 2x6km and a whole lot of shorter rows. Almost 16k of steady state.
On Tuesday, I had a delightful 50 minute swim. I love these workouts.
Then, on Thursday I had the 2x500m revanche.
What a relief to set a good performance on this workout.
On Saturday, I did a running session followed by a body weight strength workout. The run was quite frustrating because there were some issues with the GPS signal in the Polar Beat app. The app talks to me, reporting average heart rate and split every kilometer. But because of the GPS issues it was shouting reports every few seconds. At one point it reported 42 kilometers in 20 minutes!
Otherwise the run was lovely. On fresh snow, along the river.
Quite nice, isn’t it? Apart from the fact that it is unrowable.
After that, I went to our club’s weights room for the second half of the session:
The weight room is small but complete. Here was my workout:
5 series of:
- 20 push-ups
- 40 squats
- 5 pull-ups
- 30 sit-ups
It was quite intensive, I must say. Took me about 30 minutes.
On Saturday evening, we had a nice Christmas party at the club house, including a 6x300m relay race. (I rowed a time of 54 seconds which brought my team in leading position with two rounds to go. Unfortunately, I was followed by two non-rowing mothers of athletes, so we ended up 2nd place.)
On Sunday, I did a full out 500m to participate in a Virtual Online Challenge. After that, I did the regular workout of 2x(6x300m/90sec)/5min. This is a nice sprinterval workout.
Overall not bad.
Dec 23 2018
Endurance / Meso III / Week 51
A nice swimming session. Since I added swimming to my winter cross-training about a year ago, I’ve never looked back. One could of course question whether it is an effective way to cross-train but here are my observations:
So, enough reasons to be happy with the swimming sessions.
This was an interesting session by our coach. I am not sure what to think about it. The instructions were:
Warming up 3000m.
19 minutes as 4min/3min/2min/1min/2min/3min/4min at 20/22/24/26/24/22/20 spm
4 minutes rest
6 minutes as 1min/1min/1min/1min/1min/1min at 20/22/24/26/24/22 spm
The additional instruction was to row as many meters as possible in the pieces.
I am not sure I really maximized the meters. Perhaps I should have pulled harder in this session. The 6 minute interval was much less hard than I expected. This workout also scored 20 points lower in terms of TSS than I had anticipated.
This was the first full session with the new handle (and new shock cord), and I did get some blisters. The new Concept2 handle is a bit rougher than I am used to, and apparently my fingers are moving more. Not sure I liked it … It’s interesting how I don’t have this problem with identical handles at the rowing club ergs. Perhaps it’s just the newness factor.
The dreaded 30 minutes at 22 spm. First, I did a nice long (15 minutes) warming up. Then I set out to row the 30 minutes. I had taken a conservative target of 1:58, allowing myself to row 1:59 split for the first 12 minutes, then accelerate.
The plan failed. I didn’t stick to 1:59 but pulled 1:58 and 1:57 in the first 10 minutes “because it feels good” and I expected naively to be ahead of the plan. Then, when it was time to stick to 1:58 or faster, suddenly that became harder, and when it was time to speed up (at 10 minutes to go), I actually slowed down and had difficulty keeping my splits under 2:00. I did manage to speed up to 1:55 – 1:54 eventually, but only in the final minute.
Workout Summary - media/20181221-1136030o.csv
Workout Details
My handle issues continued. Actually, a blister burst around 10 minutes into the row. Here’s how my hand looked immediately after the 30 minute (I’ll make that a medium sized picture):
I made this row part of an on-line indoor rowing challenge, where you can sign up on and compare the results. Here is the comparison with Greg Smith, who struggled through this workout as well:
So even though he HD’ed twice, he still was faster than I. It’s not fair! At least I beat him in the heart rate comparison.
The fixed stroke rate sessions are also interesting from a rowing data perspective. It enables you to look at how work per stroke is affected by fatigue. Normally, as we get tired, we rate up to compensate for that, but this is not possible in a fixed rate row.
So when I dropped my pace, I got a bit shorter on the drive length and work per stroke droppped, but what surprised me was the change in the Average/Peak force ratio. Here is a look at average and peak force:
So peak force remains pretty constant, but the average force drops. Two things could cause this:
Both are about keeping form and sitting strong. I don’t have video evidence but I do believe this is what I need to work on, keeping a strong position even when fatigue sets in. I could have gained a few meters with that.
Two sessions in series. First, a nice 40 minute run. I ran with Dominik, my son who is 14 year. It was great fun, because he is now a faster runner than I, so we were both enjoying that. He liked to be faster and be asked to slow down a bit, and I liked how he enjoyed being faster than his father.
Unfortunately, the GPS recording of this run was crazy. I am using Polar Beat on the Android phone and it takes ages to lock into a GPS position. When I start running before it locks the position, it never catches up. According to Polar Beat, we ran 49 kilometers in 45 minutes. Unbelievable!
The funny thing is that the same phone has no trouble locking the GPS position when I use any other app, be it Google Maps or their local equivalents or a route planning app like Waze. I should make a note to stop using Polar Beat. It’s no use.
Average heart rate 149 beats per minute (mostly between 145 and 160).
After the run, I did a 30 minute “CORE exercises” session with my wife Romana. Given my remarks above about erg posture, paying attention to core strength is not a nice-to-have but a real need. Romana’s core session is tough, but it’s a really good strength session for arms, shoulders, and especially core muscles.
5x1min PLANK / 30 sec
5×40 sec Side Plank / 20 sec
5x 40 sec Sit-Ups / 20 sec
5x 40 sec deep, slow squats / 20 sec
5x 40 sec Push-ups with legs on Pezzi ball
5x 40 sec/20 sec of something we call “Torch” and it really “torchures” your belly.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 0 Comments • Tags: concept2, cross-training, erg, OTE, rowing, training