Aug 24 2016
Dusting off the erg – CTC
The plan for today was to do a 6×10 minute steady state step test at 170/180/190/200/210/220W and measure lactate after every 10 minutes. I am eager to pick up lactate testing and erging again after a long summer with zero erg time.
Got my lactate measuring device ready and some test strips. Note to self:
- Order new strips.
The current ones are nearing their expiry date. Set erg monitor to 10 min / 1 min rest and took off at 170W.
Wipe. Wash. Wipe. Prick. Ouch. Wipe. Prepare strip. Drop.
Low battery. Ouch.
Note to self:
- Order lactate test strips
- Buy a new battery for the lactate meter
Well – it didn’t make sense to continue, and I changed to plan B. Do the CTC of this month. I had to skip the July because the 3x2813m session didn’t fit into my plan and I wanted to maximize boat time, so I was keen on getting a score in for this month’s CTC, which is a funny one:
Row four sprints during August.
(They don’t need to be done on the same day.)
One 400m, one 300m, one 200m, and one 100m.
If you row more than one of the pieces as intervals each must be from a standing start.Find the pace (time for 500m) for each of the four rows from your performance monitor.
Simply add the four paces together to give you an entry for this CTC.
I rowed them in the following order: 400m, 200m, 100m, 300m, with roughly five minutes of active rest in between and of course from a standing start.
During the active rest after the 400m, I noticed that my Garmin Ant heart rate strap behaved funny. It seemed stuck to a value of 130bpm, while I was gasping for air and my heart rate was definitely still higher than that value after an exhausting 400m row.
So I sprinted to my OTW sports bag and grabbed the Tickr heart rate belt.
Note to self:
- Order new lactate strips
- Buy battery for lactate meter
- Buy battery for Garmin HR belt
Here are the plots for the CTC pieces:

Tomorrow: Steady State. Probably OTW followed by trailer loading.
Note to self:
- Don’t forget to put the Tickr HR belt back in the rowing bag!!
Aug 31 2016
Tuesday – Bike & Lactate step test
Commute to work on the bicycle.
Average heart rate 132 bpm so definitely a regeneration workout. Although, at one point, at the beginning of what Strava calls the “Olomoucká I” segment, a 500m long climb of 27 meters elevation difference (5% average grade, 10% max grade), another cyclist was just behind me, and I had to push a bit harder to avoid him taking over. That pushed my heart rate up to 176 bpm.
The post summer vacation / pre winter season lactate step test on the Concept2 erg. I did 6 intervals of 10 minutes at increasing power, taking a finger prick lactate measure after every step.
Workout Summary - media/20160830-194351-sled_2016-08-30T20-14-40ZGMT+2.strokes.csv
Workout Details
00|02494|21.1|138.0|153.0|09.9| 1.7 | 170
01|02540|21.4|148.9|162.0|09.9| 1.6 | 180
02|02520|21.6|156.5|165.0|09.7| 1.7 | 190
03|02552|21.9|160.9|172.0|09.7| 2.0 | 200
04|02554|22.5|166.7|176.0|11.2| 4.6 | 210
05|02246|21.0|149.1|159.0|08.9| 3.1 | 160
I started at 170 W and increased with 10W after each interval. After reaching 4.6 mmol/L at 210W and feeling like you feel at 4.6 mmol/L, I didn’t continue to 220W but took the last interval as a cooling down.
The goal is to determine the threshold, under which lactate is flat. For me, this seems to be just under 200W, but I will confirm this next week by rowing 6x10min at a constant power of 195W, taking a lactate measurement every 10 minutes.
Here is the graph:
The “Model” line is a line that I “fitted” through last year’s data. For comparison, here is the graph that I compiled in November 2015.
So in comparison with November 2015, my steady state lactate level is higher, the step is more pronounced and seems to be shifted to the left. I guess that corresponds to being in a worse shape, fitness wise. Vacation effect, I think.
We’ll see if this is confirmed next week, but it looks like my steady state should not go above 195W.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 1 • Tags: concept2, lactate, OTE, rowing, test, testing, training