Jun 30 2016
Tuesday in the quad
Tuesday evening
Another training in the quad. The program called for steady state and technique, so we decided that we would do short bursts of technique at high rate.
We are a talking quad. There is a lot of commenting going on, especially from 3-seat. In the end I commented that with a maximum of three trainings to go before the race, it’s also important to get relaxed and just focus on moving the boat. Then I let us row with eyes closed (.except for bow who has to spot swimmers and confused recreational boats). We even did a closed eye start and that worked out pretty well. And after 500m with closed eyes, three seat commented that that felt good.
Sometimes we can be overcritical.
Jun 30 2016
Wednesday: Fartlek in the single
I went out in the afternoon, because I didn’t have time in the morning.
As it was over thirty degrees, and the school year is nearly finished, there was a lot of recreation on our lake.
It’s rowing on a swimming pool. Swimmers risking their lives by swimming 500m away from the shore and not checking for rowing boats. Paddle boats and electric boats that go very slow and are clueless about rules on the water.
Mothers holding babies and young infants without safety vests …
I try to remain friendly. Don’t want the rowing sport to be associated with grumpy old men. We need to get new members as well.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 4 Comments • Tags: Fartlek, OTW, rowing, single, training