Mar 21 2017
Račice day 2 – Sprintervals
Alarm clock at 5:30, pushing off the dock at 6:00. With the jet lag and everything I had expected this to be very hard, but I hopped out of bed with no problem. Then I had the canal for myself and mirror flat water. Heaven!
The session was Nx30″/60″ with N being the number of intervals that fit into three straight 2k segments. In the end N turned out to be 21, if I count correctly.
On purpose, the breaks were long enough to allow me to focus on form, rather than going into workout survival mode. I think that paid off. As the intervals progressed, I got back that boat feeling (that one so successfully destroys when stuck to the static erg) and was able to see some nice pace numbers (1:48 was the lowest split I saw).
A slight adjustment in the foot stretcher. I think I am where I want to be now.
Here are the pie charts:
I was curious to see the technique metrics (slip, wash, effective length vs total length, etc) for this first time in the season I have consistently worked above 30spm on the water.
I think the slip and wash numbers look pretty good. I am wondering whether the numbers given by NK in their guidance are for race pace, because I get higher numbers for the paddling and steady state. Paddling between the intervals, both stroke length and effective stroke lengths are shorter, but this was just me paddling really easy. In most of the graphs above, I have selected only the “work” strokes. Here is the drive length graph for all strokes:
After the workout, I drove to the P+R just north of Prague and took the metro to our office on the other side of the city. It took me more than 90 minutes door to door, but the 45 minutes on the metro were usable for reading and working, so not much time lost.
Tomorrow: Steady state, again in the early hours. It will be just me, mirror flat water, and birds singing in the forests around the canal.
Mar 22 2017
Račice day 3 – Steady State
Steady state row before breakfast. Breakfast. Drive to Prague. Traffic Jam. Park at first Underground station. Metro to work. Work. Metro back to other side of the city. Drive back to rowing canal.
Is there more I can say about today’s workout, you’re asking?
Yes, there is. Even though this was a time-pressed steady state at 18spm, there are a couple of things I would like to mention.
First, even though it started raining lightly during the workout and the temperatures were a lot lower than yesterday (about 3 degrees C), this was a superb row. The water was mirror flat, and I was the only person on the water. The birds were singing. The water was so flat that I did use the first 2k for drills, drills, drills. On our moody home lake, the water often is not suitable for doing drills.
Second, I tried a new thing. The Empower Oarlock with the SpeedCoach set to the “skills” display. I chose to work on finish angle and wash, which seemed a good one after the square blade rowing I had finished the drills with.
The SpeedCoach/Oarlock/HR belt combo hung up on me after about 3/4 of the workout, so the graphs come in two parts.
Here are the metrics plots. I still have to get a feel for it, but I think the Wash values are good for 18spm (at higher rates and pressure it is easier to get to lower slip and wash values). I also noticed that, indeed, when focusing on good form and a clean tap-down, the wash number was lower. When I concentrated, I could get the value below 10 degrees.
I am also quite proud on the constant stroke rate in the second part of the workout. Mind you, I only had finish angle and wash on my display. No other information. No stroke rate, no pace.
They are working hard to renovate the rowing canal and be ready for the European Championships in May. Here is an artist’s impression of the end state:
Most of it is done.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 0 Comments • Tags: OTW, rowing, single, steady state, training