Aug 17 2017
Thursday – 4x2km in Trebon
We are racing in Trebon coming weekend, and today we moved to this lovely little town in South Bohemia.
We did the three hour drive “around lunch”, leaving Brno at 11am and arriving at 2pm. We rigged the boats. Daughter Lenka went for a training in the double, my sons Robin and Dominik rowed the single, Iva went on the single, and I did my planned 4x2km in the single.
It was great to row on an Albano buoyed course again. There were plenty of other boats on the water. This place is a popular destination for an end-of-summer training camp, and there were four or five rowing clubs on the water.
Great rowing at 26spm. I passed lots of boats. I worked on keeping the stroke light, and even though I was in the red for heart rate and power, it didn’t feel like a hard workout when I was doing it. After the workout, I had to drink lots of water, though.
Work Details
01|02000| 08:54 |02:13.5| 25.4| 248 | 168 | 176 | 8.8
03|02000| 08:33 |02:08.2| 26.5| 241 | 170 | 178 | 8.8
05|02000| 08:42 |02:10.6| 26.9| 254 | 173 | 183 | 8.5
07|02000| 08:33 |02:08.4| 26.9| 246 | 174 | 185 | 8.7
Workout Summary
--|10150| 54:43 | 2:41.7| 21.2| 211 | 164 | 185 | 8.7
Aug 20 2017
Friday – race prep
A very hot day in Trebon. Before lunch, I did a short row with my son Dominik (12) to check the setting of the double. Unfortunately, I couldn’t test the sculls with the Macon blades, because our other son Robin (11) was out in the single.
We did a few practice starts and then a full 500m at the end. I had forgotten my SpeedCoach at the hotel, so the workout was captured through Garmin Connect, and stroke rates are off.
In the afternoon, I had a few work related calls. I was glad to be inside because the heat outside was getting unbearable. At the end of the afternoon, Romana and I went out to train in the double. It was a nice row. We did a warming up, then 3x250m with 500m rest, and then a long cooling down.
Work Details
01|00250| 00:55 |01:50.5| 33.6| 000 | 144 | 166 | 8.1
02|00500| 02:26 |02:26.3| 21.7| 000 | 143 | 167 | 9.4
03|00250| 00:55 |01:49.9| 32.7| 000 | 163 | 175 | 8.3
04|00500| 02:31 |02:31.8| 21.3| 000 | 148 | 175 | 9.3
05|00250| 00:53 |01:47.3| 34.6| 000 | 166 | 178 | 8.1
06|00500| 04:16 |04:16.3| 10.1| 000 | 144 | 178 | 11.6
Workout Summary
--|02250| 11:58 | 2:39.6| 20.2| 000 | 150 | 178 | 9.3
A light tailwind during the 250m sessions.
Sixty minutes of rowing for the entire day.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 2 Comments • Tags: double, OTW, race prep, rowing, training