Just some notes on a training-free day. I had too much work backlog because I had Friday off and Monday was NOT a holiday in the USA.
There has been some discussion on the Free Spirits blog about the excel tools that are circulating. It all started with the “Danburpee” spreadsheet to read CSV data from RowPro into Excel and make colorful graphs. Such as this one:

From Gregory Smith (quantifiedrowing.wordpress.com), I received a similar spreadsheet to read in CSV files exported from CrewNerd.
I modified it to read in CSV files created from TCX exports from Garmin Connect (or Sporttracks), using TCX Converter (http://www.tcxconverter.com/TCX_Converter/TCX_Converter_ENG.html).
Recently I started using CrewNerd only, so I converted my Garmin tool to read CSV files created from TCX files exported from CrewNerd. I wanted it to work with the TCX export of “custom workout” CrewNerd recordings. The challenge was that the “distance” field reset to 0 each time a new interval was started. So I calculated total distance from the coordinates fields. Here I possibly create an error and indeed I see a 50m difference over a 15km workout, 0.5%.
The circle is almost round.
Now reworking that one to import TCX files directly and avoid a few steps. 
Changed the macro to read TCX. The only minor flaw is that you have to OK some warning messages about incorrect XML. Now I just need to copy-paste the right columns into the source data fields of my spreadsheet.
Ah, the joys of messing about with data. Perhaps I should also start importing Crewnerd stuff into SciPy.
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Apr 7 2015
Colorful graph tools – TCX to Excel
Just some notes on a training-free day. I had too much work backlog because I had Friday off and Monday was NOT a holiday in the USA.
There has been some discussion on the Free Spirits blog about the excel tools that are circulating. It all started with the “Danburpee” spreadsheet to read CSV data from RowPro into Excel and make colorful graphs. Such as this one:
From Gregory Smith (quantifiedrowing.wordpress.com), I received a similar spreadsheet to read in CSV files exported from CrewNerd.
I modified it to read in CSV files created from TCX exports from Garmin Connect (or Sporttracks), using TCX Converter (http://www.tcxconverter.com/TCX_Converter/TCX_Converter_ENG.html).
Recently I started using CrewNerd only, so I converted my Garmin tool to read CSV files created from TCX files exported from CrewNerd. I wanted it to work with the TCX export of “custom workout” CrewNerd recordings. The challenge was that the “distance” field reset to 0 each time a new interval was started. So I calculated total distance from the coordinates fields. Here I possibly create an error and indeed I see a 50m difference over a 15km workout, 0.5%.
The circle is almost round.
Now reworking that one to import TCX files directly and avoid a few steps.
Changed the macro to read TCX. The only minor flaw is that you have to OK some warning messages about incorrect XML. Now I just need to copy-paste the right columns into the source data fields of my spreadsheet.
Ah, the joys of messing about with data. Perhaps I should also start importing Crewnerd stuff into SciPy.
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By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 0 Comments • Tags: crewnerd, rowing data