Oct 16 2016
Saturday – Long, Windy Steady State OTW
I felt guilty for taking an unplanned rest day on Friday, although it probably wasn’t bad to take an additional rest day.
Saturday was a windy day. First time in the single since Tuesday morning. In the mean time, the manufacturer of my boat (mr Růžička from “Roseman”) had come by to fit my single with back stays. Or are they called front stays? They extend from the top of the oarlock to the “front” of the boat (looking in the forward rowing direction, behind my back). Well, what is the forward rowing direction, anyway. To me, forward is the usual direction of motion, with the rower facing backwards.
Anyway, I got a new wing and those stays for free, so I have to tell Roseman’s service is excellent.
It was very windy. The forecast was 4 m/s, and I believe on the lake part of the outing it was just that. Rowing in tailwind, I felt the wind blowing into my face, which means that the wind speed was higher than my 12km/h rowing speed. There were big waves on the lake, so I decided to go up to the castle.
Workout Summary - media/20161016-161625-Sanders SpeedCoach 20161015 0946amo.csv
Workout Details
01|01000|05:05.0|02:32.5|22.1|131.9|151.0|08.9 - warming up - tailwind
03|01000|06:16.8|03:08.4|20.8|148.3|162.0|07.7 - remove layer
04|01000|04:33.9|02:16.9|20.1|162.0|165.0|10.9 - tailwind
07|01000|05:38.4|02:49.2|20.3|156.8|167.0|08.8 - turn
08|01000|05:07.3|02:33.6|20.8|166.9|171.0|09.4 - headwind
10|01000|05:17.2|02:38.6|20.1|164.5|169.0|09.4 - strong headwind
11|01000|05:38.7|02:49.3|20.1|161.1|165.0|08.8 - back on lake
12|01000|06:53.2|03:26.6|18.4|154.8|162.0|07.9 - unrowable part
After 6.5km, I was catching up with a big ship, so instead of trying to pass him on a part of the river where I am not supposed to be, I turned around and decided to add an extra lake loop to the end of the workout.
On the river, you are shielded. The headwind was a bit less strong, and there was no chop. Arriving at the lake, I found myself in trouble. The wind has 3000m to get to maximum speed and sweep up the waves. The waves were of the kind that wipe over the stern, and every fourth or fifth wave would dump some water into the cockpit. There was an extra layer of clothes in that cockpit, which I had removed at the end of the warming up, so those clothes got soaked and there wasn’t a lot of bailing going on.
Buoyancy enough, so I decided to not be a Sissy and row all the way to the south end of the lake. After about 1.5km of really bad water, the chop became slightly lower and my motions started to resemble rowing again.
Heart rates were slightly higher than expected and there was some DOMS, especially shoulders and chest.
Oct 22 2016
Morning Mist – Single Outing
We were discussing the fall yesterday on a little rowing oriented group. The discussion started around the beautiful fall colors that accompany the Head of the Charles Regatta. Then someone posted this:
So, I could just as well stop this blog post here, because it’s not going to get more beautiful.
Still, it was a beautiful autumn day today. It started misty but then it became nice and sunny. I took a video of my 60 minutes Steady State row. You can see how misty it was.
I rowed a 12km steady state. The original plan was to row all the way to Veverska Bityska, but I had to turn about 500m past the castle. I suddenly noticed that I could see the bottom of the river about 10cm below my boat. When I turned the single, I got into even shallower water. My blade hit the bottom. Luckily, the bottom is muddy and weak, but I wouldn’t want to run my fin over a rock.
The gorge/river part was less misty, but when I got back on the lake, there was even thicker mist than when I left. In the final 3km, I met 4 pairs, two singles and a ladies/girls eight. With the mist, you see the oncoming boats only in the last moment, and you have to look around constantly.
There was a weird silence on the lake, in this weather.
Here’s the workout in numbers:
Workout Summary - media/20161022-110913-Sanders SpeedCoach 20161022 0954amo.csv
Workout Details
I took a few pictures when I was doing groceries. This part of Brno is where the city ends, with the usual malls and car dealers, then it transitions into small hills with villages.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: OTW, rowing, single, steady state