Apr 11 2016
Tame Session – new mesocycle
No time to go rowing OTW. First day of a new 5 week mesocycle. Maintaining base fitness, continuing with endurance power and then slowly gearing up for the 1000m sprint race season.
For the non-rowers: What we call sprint is a 4 minute effort.
Anyway, today I eased into the first week of the new cycle. A light endurance session of about 60 minutes. Decided to row it as 5×12 minutes and use the “Wolverine Plan” rate ladders to keep me busy.

I love Painsled. Nice export of stroke data to CSV files. I was curious to see what the rate ladders would do with my stroke length, average force, drive time and recovery time. It turned out to be no surprise. The recovery time is varied, all other parameters staying roughly the same.
Workout Summary - sled_2016-04-11T19-28-49ZGMT+2.strokes.csv
Workout Details
Apr 15 2016
The 2 speed test again
So today I did the 2 speed test again. I did it on March 17 and on February 26. First, a 20 minutes warming up:
Then the first 1k, at “head race pace”:
Did that in 265W, 3:39.3. Lactate was 5.0 mmol/L after one minute, 4.6 mmol/L after 3 minutes.
Twelve minutes of gentle rowing at 2:12 pace. Then the “hard” 1k.
Hard it was. Max heart rate 184, average heart rate 178. My original plan was to hold 1:41 pace. I had difficulties from 600m to go and I even saw a 1:49 at one point. Lactate reading was 8.4 mmol/L, one minute after the row, and 8.6 mmol/L three minutes after the row.
The top blue line are today’s results. No wonder I was struggling during the second 1k. I have never seen so high lactates.
I have difficulty interpreting the lactate test results. I guess I will have to reread the lactate guru’s bible. One thing I notice is that I am working in the “elbow” of the lactate curve. Any small shift of the elbow to the left or right, or a slight increase in steepness of the right-hand side will have a very noticeable effect on the lactate curve. Here is my 10′ step test from the end of the fall:
The light blue line is an extension of the >200 W points. For the 318W that I pulled today, that line is at 10 mmol/L.
Next week, I plan to do a 1k OTE erg to get a good score in for the nonathlon, before the erg season ends. I guess I will approach this 1k attempt with fear, after this result. After that 1k, I may have to think hard about the effectiveness of the training that I am doing.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 6 • Tags: concept2, erg, lactate, OTE, rowing, test, testing