Apr 5 2016
Taper intervals
With all the python stuff I forgot to spend some time on Sunday to plan this week’s training plan in detail.
So in the morning I drove to the club with only a vague notion. I wanted to test a bit at race pace, but have a short training. One, it’s taper week. Two, I was late and needed to be at work in time. I contemplated 500m intervals at race pace.
At the club I met the head coach, and I asked him what he was planning for his team (the men). They were doing
5x(5min)/R4 at 22/24/26/28/30 spm
That was an interesting session. Good training at race pace, but it starts slower, so you can focus on technique and build up to the race pace. I was sold, but I made it slightly lighter:
4x(4min)/R4 at 22/24/26/28. Last minute in last interval to be at 30spm
Here is how I executed it:

Workout Summary - C:Downloads2016-04-05-0730.CSV
Workout Details
01|00912| 04:00 |02:11.6|21.5|156.0|161.0|10.6| 22spm, tailwind
02|00950| 04:00 |02:06.3|24.2|166.0|172.0|09.8| 24spm, tailwind
03|00884| 04:00 |02:15.7|25.7|171.0|177.0|08.6| 26spm, headwind
04|00981| 04:00 |02:02.3|28.0|169.0|179.0|08.8| 28spm, tailwind
Actually, the 26spm and 28spm felt more comfortable than the 22spm and the 24spm. I guess that is good. I also used stroke counting on those sessions, so maybe it is just a psychological thing. The 4 minutes seem to pass faster when you count to 100.
Apr 7 2016
Taper Race Day minus Two
The workout
My plan for today was to do a 50 minute row, and have one “lake” of 30 sec / 60 sec rest at race pace.
Arrived at the club. Had a nice chat with the head coach. He saw the Holland Acht (Dutch 8+) training in Gavirate, and expects them to be very good at the Olympics. Nice. I casually asked him what his guys were doing today. “One lake at 22spm, then one lake 30″/60″ rest”, he answered.
So it must be a good training to do two days before the race.
Workout Summary - C:Downloads2016-04-07-1545.CSV
Workout Details
01|03008| 13:38 |02:16.1|22.5|160.0|171.0|09.8 | 3km
02|00124| 00:30 |02:00.7|28.0|150.0|165.0|08.9
03|00000| 00:30 |0000:00|30.0|165.0|173.0|00.0 | GPS failure
04|00125| 00:30 |02:00.1|30.0|156.0|171.0|08.3
05|00124| 00:30 |02:01.3|28.0|163.0|174.0|08.9
06|00125| 00:30 |02:00.2|28.0|166.0|175.0|08.9
07|00127| 00:30 |01:58.3|28.1|166.0|174.0|09.1
08|00128| 00:30 |01:57.5|30.0|166.0|175.0|08.5
09|00128| 00:30 |01:57.3|30.0|165.0|176.0|08.5
10|00131| 00:30 |01:54.9|32.0|172.0|180.0|08.2
The lake was super flat. One would think there was no wind. I thought so. I thought so during the warming up, and during the first 3km stretch at 22spm. I was really excited to see my average split drop below 2:20 for that part. (By the way, I rowed this as a CrewNerd set course, with start and finish lines that you can define in Google Earth and then upload to CrewNerd. Nice feature.)
But when I turned, I quickly realized that there had been a very light breeze pushing me.
On to the 30 second intervals. My GPS device stopped during the second interval and I had to reset it. That causes the peaks in the graph and the absence of data in interval #3.
Otherwise, it was nice. I know what to focus on to row my best head race stroke, so I tried to focus on that, and I think it works. Keywords: Length. Reach. The Distance-per-Stroke (DPS) parameter is what I monitor.
Programming fun
Just for fun, I wrote to Concept2 for the API to the Concept2 logbook. I got an answer today with a link to a description and a form to fill out and get an API key. So, in principle it is possible to change my Python code so it uploads much more row data to the Concept2 logbook, including splits, so the logbook can create the nice graphs that you get with ErgData.
I am very unexperienced with HTTPS requests (in any programming language), so I am probably not going to do this.
What it tells me is that C2 logbook integration is doable. Painsled, CrewNerd, NK, others: You can do it! I would love to see this integration, as well as direct upload to Garmin, Strava, SportTracks, and of course CSV and TCX downloads. That would be very cool.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 0 • Tags: head race, lake, OTW, rowing, single, taper, training