Dec 8 2017
Job’s tidings
Tough day at work. Some bad news that sucked the last bit of energy out of me. I had a two hour gap between lunch and a call with a colleague in Washington, so I drove home through the rain and sat on the erg.
I had optimistically planned a sprinterval workout and decided to do it. There was definitely a HD risk, but I feared that swapping this one for a steady state session would be a recipe for boredom, frustration, which also would lead to the undesired HD.
So I decided to do a 3km warming up and then the workout, doing at least 15 intervals but aiming for 20. I dialed up the following sufficiently dark and monotonous sound track on SoundCloud. Dark and monotonous but I like to row to it:
I decided to row the intervals at 2k PB speed and focus on technique. That turned out to be a good choice. I was focusing on pulling a relaxed, gentle stroke at 29 SPM, sitting in a strong position from half way the recovery, then just sliding towards the catch, and hang on the handle during the first half of the leg drive. When I do this correctly, it feels like I get 2 splits for free. (Which reminds me of Ranger, the infamous erg blogger back in the days of
Every fifth interval is supposed to be a max out, just to make sure that I was doing the others in a controlled way.
First fifteen intervals went by without any incidents, and then it was just a question of hanging on, and emptying the tank in interval #20. Followed by a 2km cooling down.
A quick shower and on to my calls. An unexpectedly good training. Made my day.
Dec 9 2017
An Icy Run
I longed for outdoors activity so I went running. It turned out to be a slow run. The snow had melted, and then frozen again.
I took a new shortcut near the end of the run. That turned out to be a bad decision. I ended up above the road I wanted to get to and the only way to get there was to slide down a very steep slope.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 1 Comment • Tags: running