Apr 17 2015
Data Spaghetti (Thursday session)
On Thursday I did a few sessions experimenting with the RIM software. I found that the Stroke Efficiency metric is really sensitive to the calibration.
I did an experiment where I recorded the entire session in 4 parts. Between parts I took the phone out of the holder while not running RIM, waved with it, and put it back in the holder. I believe the only difference was the time I waited while not rowing but RIM already running.
I saw quite big differences in the Stroke Efficiency metric. In the first 2 “parts”, I saw values around 0.4 maximum, and even negative values. In the last two “parts” I saw values above 2 at 20spm. I think these were the “real” values.

This morning I managed to grab the analysis data from the analytics.rowinginmotion.com website using jsfiddle.net and read them into pylab. Here’s an example:

This is just a raw plot of the acceleration data of a few strokes at 30spm. Now it will be easy to compare my rowing model with real data!
The other application is CrewNerd. Also CrewNerd can export acceleration data, but I have yet to experiment with it. Will do in the near future.
But I took a different look at some of my 4x1km data this morning. I exported all 4 intervals into CSV tables, dumped all the data in one table and started playing with pivot charts:

I still have to find a useful plot that enables to draw conclusions from the data. Here is Check vs Speed for different stroke rates:
Data Spaghetti!
No training today. I feel a cold is coming on me, and I will race tomorrow.
Apr 18 2015
Survived the heat
Traditional spring race weather. Calm water in the first 150m, then waves. Strong tailwind/crosswind.
Five singles at the start of the open Men. A funny mix of Masters and 19 year olds, because the real good rowers are seat racing in Prague.
I came third or fourth out of the starting block. One guy was a length and a half behind immediately.
I took a look to bow 7 to the right of me. It’s a good feeling when you see you’re evidently faster. I didn’t have to row harder to leave him behind and be in a comfortable qualifying third place.
After 1000m the waves became really high but we were three rowing calmly at 28-29spm in front, with several boat lengths of light between us and the boat in fourth position.
The final 500m was about survival. I think only half of my strokes were ok.
Final race at 15:52.
Then a fun race in the eight.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 0