Thursday – 4x2km in Trebon

We are racing in Trebon coming weekend, and today we moved to this lovely little town in South Bohemia.

Trebon - historické jádro obr1




We did the three hour drive “around lunch”, leaving Brno at 11am and arriving at 2pm. We rigged the boats. Daughter Lenka went for a training in the double, my sons Robin and Dominik rowed the single, Iva went on the single, and I did my planned 4x2km in the single.

It was great to row on an Albano buoyed course again. There were plenty of other boats on the water. This place is a popular destination for an end-of-summer training camp, and there were four or five rowing clubs on the water.

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Great rowing at 26spm. I passed lots of boats. I worked on keeping the stroke light, and even though I was in the red for heart rate and power, it didn’t feel like a hard workout when I was doing it. After the workout, I had to drink lots of water, though.

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Work Details
01|02000| 08:54 |02:13.5| 25.4| 248 | 168 | 176 | 8.8
03|02000| 08:33 |02:08.2| 26.5| 241 | 170 | 178 | 8.8
05|02000| 08:42 |02:10.6| 26.9| 254 | 173 | 183 | 8.5
07|02000| 08:33 |02:08.4| 26.9| 246 | 174 | 185 | 8.7
Workout Summary
--|10150| 54:43 | 2:41.7| 21.2| 211 | 164 | 185 | 8.7

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