Starting up after illness

It’s been a long time since I worked out. Here’s the chart that tells the story:

On February 14th, I did a normal 60 minute swim session. Nothing to complain about.

On Friday, February 15th, I was heading to my weights session when I noticed something like an upcoming cold. I don’t need HRV measurements to figure out when to take the intensity back. I am blessed with a pretty good feel for the state of my body. I did, however, decide to press on with the session. A weights session is intensive for the muscles, but in my experience it doesn’t worsen an upcoming cold.

On Saturday, I woke up with a very sore throat and a terrible headache. I canceled my session, thinking that a day of rest and a slow spinning or running session on Sunday would get me over it.

On Sunday, I was worse, and I canceled the light exercise that I had planned.

On Monday, I had a 39 degree fever. I should have stayed in bed, but I moved to the sofa and did my work calls from there. There was a major emergency at work that needed my full attention.

Of course that doesn’t help recovery. On Tuesday and Wednesday, I worked from home, still with a fever. On Thursday, I tried to get to the office, but that was a mistake.

I took the weekend after to get more rest and finally climb out of the valley of misery. On Tuesday, I still wasn’t feeling ready for a workout, and on Wednesday and Thursday I was on a two day work related conference that left me no time to work out.

So, long story short, today was the first day for two short workouts. A 30 minute run followed by a 30 minute workout in the rowing club weights room.

The weights room workout consisted of:

  • Bench pull
  • Leg press
  • Bench press
  • Hyper extension
  • V-ups
  • Rope skipping
  • Jerk
  • Push ups

And finally a ten minutes of cooling down on the spinning bike.

The stats are pretty depressing, but it was so good to be active again:

There is also some very good news. The ice on our lake is retreating fast:

Tomorrow, I will do a group erg session with our Masters training group.

On Monday morning, I will fly to Casablanca for a customer visit. I’ve never been to Casablanca, so I am looking forward to it. The following video pretty much sums up what I know about Casablanca, but I expect it to be a bit different: