Jul 4 2015
What a lovely row: Saturday ORCA mix 2x 1000m
As the temperatures on Friday evening started to drop below 30 degrees, we fired up the barbecue and had a very nice dinner of Roodbaars (Atlantic redfish) from the grill. This fellow weighed 2.5kg at the fishmonger’s, so the three of us (Lenka, Romana and I) had plenty of very tasty fish. A simple salad to accompany it and (perhaps a little too much) French white wine.
We decided to launch around 9am, when there are still reasonable temperatures, and the lake hasn’t yet turned into an amusement park.
Absolutely ideal conditions. No wind. Flat water. Almost no swimmers. The boat rentals weren’t open yet. My training plan said “Death by Lactate” but as I was rowing with Romana, who hasn’t done her share of 1km trials yet, I decided to just do a 95% effort on the 1000m.
So we launched our Salani “ORCA” and did two kilometers of warming up. Then a test start plus five strokes which were perfect. Very concentrated and very nice.
Then we rowed one kilometer to the buoyed 2km and got ready for the start. The plan was to do a 95% effort. Hard start plus ten, then down to 30spm and only increase it a bit in the final 200m.
Start was ok but worse than our practice start. After ten strokes I lowered the stroke rate. A quick glance at CrewNerd, which told me I was doing 10spm. We must have been rowing so smoothly that we confused CrewNerd. After about 200m CrewNerd came back and I was indeed rowing at 29.5-30spm.
The half way point was passed without the dreaded lactate bite, and we continued our well coordinated 30spm.
29 degrees C, 1023mbar, humidity 53%, wind speed between 0.2 and 1.0 m/s.
With 200m to go I brought up the stroke rate to 33spm. We stopped 2 strokes early, and cruised through the virtual finish line at 3:42. Happy with that. At the Masters Nationals in 2014 we were third in 3:44, same warm and windless weather. This year’s edition will be very interesting. Hauk and Zizkova will remain in masters B, the Dekanovsky’s we don’t know, and we will be starting in C. Already in C last year there were Masatova and Zeman, who rowed a 3:44.
|Start|Stop_|Dist_|Time_|Pace__|_SPM__|avg HR|max HR|DPS|Remarks
|00000|03049|03049|17:43|02:54.3| 19.2 | 133 | 172 |08.9|warming up
|03049|03148|00098|00:22|01:51.9| 32.9 | 133 | 160 |08.2|100m #1
|03148|03250|00102|00:22|01:47.7| 24.9 | 168 | 171 |11.2|#2
|03250|03350|00100|00:22|01:50.3| 17.1 | 172 | 174 |15.9|#3
|03350|03448|00098|00:22|01:52.1| 30.0 | 176 | 177 |08.9|#4
|03448|03548|00100|00:23|01:55.2| 29.8 | 177 | 177 |08.8|#5
|03548|03649|00101|00:23|01:53.7| 30.0 | 178 | 179 |08.8|#6
|03649|03746|00097|00:22|01:53.5| 30.0 | 179 | 179 |08.8|#7
|03746|03847|00102|00:23|01:53.0| 30.6 | 179 | 180 |08.7|#8
|03847|03948|00100|00:22|01:49.8| 32.3 | 180 | 180 |08.5|#9
|03948|04045|00097|00:21|01:48.3| 33.0 | 180 | 181 |08.4|#10
|04045|07762|03718|21:53|02:56.6| 19.4 | 141 | 180 |08.7|cooling down
So, no excuses to go slow, two weeks from now!
We did a 3km cooling down followed by some swimming in the lake, gave the boat a good wash and then headed to the town centre for a coffee on the main plaza, and a visit to some bookshoppes.
Now indoors to survive the hottest part of the day. No rowing planned for tomorrow, or perhaps a lazy single scull early in the morning.
Jul 11 2015
Saturday: a bit of sprinting in the double
Our boys go on a summer camp. Not sure if they knew what that means. Anyway, they will live in tents in the mountains for 2 weeks in very basic conditions. They will have a lot of fun I am sure, but it may also be difficult now and then:

Lenka started to row with Iva, a girl who will move into her age category in September. It’s vacation time, so a good occasion to let them discover something new. They were out in a pair for the second time. This is when we pushed them off the dock.

We put them on the other side than they had rowed 2 days ago, so Lenka changed from stroke to bow and Iva from bow to stroke. Not good.
We pushed them off:
They had difficulty coming back to the dock at all. Then Lenka went back to stroke seat and Iva to bow, we pushed them off and they silently rowed away, in good balance. Very funny to this sculler who can row sweep both sides (slightly preferring bow).
Romana and I took the double ORCA out and did some sprinting. 10 strokes on, 10 strokes off in increasing pace during the warming up. The “Small Pyramid” with a test start, then a start+1 minute, some light paddling, then another practice start, and finally a cooling down.
| Start | Stop_ | Dist_ | Time_ | Pace__ | _SPM | avg HR | max HR | DPS | Remarks
| 00000 | 02914 | 02914 | 16:59 | 02:54.9 | 22.0 | 134 | 173 | 07.8 | WU
| 02914 | 03003 | 00090 | 00:19 | 01:46.0 | 37.1 | 132 | 155 | 07.6 | 20" @ 38spm
| 03003 | 03074 | 00070 | 00:20 | 02:22.0 | 23.6 | 163 | 166 | 09.0 | rest
| 03074 | 03253 | 00180 | 00:39 | 01:48.6 | 35.1 | 170 | 179 | 07.9 | 40" @ 36spm
| 03253 | 03382 | 00129 | 00:41 | 02:39.4 | 22.3 | 172 | 179 | 08.4 | rest
| 03382 | 03657 | 00275 | 01:01 | 01:51.0 | 33.4 | 176 | 181 | 08.1 | 60" @ 34spm
| 03657 | 03821 | 00165 | 00:58 | 02:56.0 | 20.5 | 170 | 181 | 08.3 | rest
| 03821 | 04004 | 00182 | 00:41 | 01:52.4 | 34.3 | 171 | 179 | 07.8 | 40" @ 36spm
| 04004 | 04119 | 00115 | 00:41 | 02:58.4 | 21.4 | 174 | 179 | 07.9 | rest
| 04119 | 04210 | 00091 | 00:20 | 01:49.6 | 36.2 | 172 | 177 | 07.6 | 20" @38spm
| 04210 | 05035 | 00825 | 07:24 | 04:29.1 | 20.7 | 135 | 178 | 05.4 | rest
| 05035 | 05303 | 00269 | 00:59 | 01:49.8 | 33.1 | 158 | 174 | 08.3 | start+1 minute race pace
| 05303 | 07965 | 02662 | 17:18 | 03:15.0 | 19.9 | 137 | 174 | 07.7 | CD
Conditions were interesting. Mirror flat when we launched, then ripples, then some light chop. All within 30 minutes. Wind turning. You would row 20 strokes in quite fierce headwind, then suddenly you would row in tailwind.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 3 • Tags: double, lake, OTW, race prep, rowing