Mar 19 2016
First row in the double
Yep. Romana and I went out in the double today. Just a technique session. And we nailed it. I think we were rowing pretty well after these 10km of different drills.
Our beloved light blue Salani double “Orca” was behaving very nicely. I think it was glad it got the dust washed off after a long winter of inactivity.
Then we loaded the trailers. Half of our club goes to Varese with the big trailer. I am towing my small trailer to Račice, the national water sports center, north of Prague. It is loaded with 2 pairs and 4 singles. On the way back we’ll have to add two bicycles.
Hoping the weather is going to be nice.
Lenka was rowing with a trial version of the RitmoTime Rowing app. She was happy but I wasn’t convinced. I have to look into an app that allows coaching as well. I guess you want the coach view to do fleet management, so you can instantaneously see all your rowers’ stroke rate, pace, perhaps even heart rate and some other parameters. Of course the fleet will be a mix of iphones and android phones. All the kids in the club have smartphones, so we would just have to get a bunch of watertight cases. Would be a nice way to collect their training data as well. Let me know if you know of such apps, even better if you have tested it.
Mar 20 2016
A ride
Cross-training day but I was too lazy for running. Biking is easier!
I rode to Vranov. A tiny village on a big hill, with a big church:
Here’s the whole ride.
The ride was planned for 90 minutes, but ended up a bit longer. From Lipuvka, I didn’t want to ride on the main road, which was quite busy with people returning from their weekend cottages. I had to take a longer, windier road with more climbing.
About 20% of the ride was on mud. The rest was normal roads.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 0 Comments • Tags: bike, cross-training, ride, training