Feb 6 2016
Hill Run
Today I was responsible for the girl’s training again. It’s fun to do. Romana had a running training planned for them, but gave me explicit instructions to do “something else”, to spice up the training a bit.
No problem.
I asked them if they would like to row in the front, and promised them an “unforgettable” training.
The session is not so hard, but the anticipation makes it epic. There is certainly a quite strong mental edge to this run. Luckily, it is in very beautiful nature.
From the rowing club you run 1km, with some warming up exercises. Then some stretching. And then you run up the hill to Rozdrojovice. It’s about 1.5km but the average grade is more than 10%, with sections that are above 20%. For the girls, who didn’t know this route, it may have seemed endless, but they battled their way to the top.
On the top, we turned left, on a dirt path that drops back to the lake again. Some places are quite steep. We basically ran fartlek, slowly first to get the heart rate down, then slow and fast as the terrain allowed.
You pass places with a certain “genius loci”, like this owl spring with nice fresh water, which was a good stop on the way back up. On the way down the girls were moaning constantly. “Ooooh, we have to run up this hill.”
At the lake, we turned around and did the hill in intervals. We would run for 2-3 minutes, then walk until the girls heart rates had dropped back to 150 bpm. It’s amazing how they go above 200 bpm easily.
I felt a bit like a slave driver, but I think the uphill part was less intense than the girls feared. The water from the spring tasted wonderfully fresh.
All the time the sun was shining, birds were singing, dogs were barking. In summary, a very nice run.
This is what we did:
This is how the girls talked about it afterwards:
They were proud they did it and perhaps we will do it again. It’s a nice session and I do believe it helps you row faster.
Feb 7 2016
Sunday Steady State: 2x30min
The plan was 4x20min. The plan was also 9 hours of exercise this week. I am 60 minutes behind the plan.
Still, I decided to just do 2x30min. There were 2 half hour sessions planned on RowPro which I rowed. I need the company to get motivated. Somehow doing 4x20min solo doesn’t appeal to me in this part of the season.
Rowed the two intervals as Wolverine Plan L4 intervals to survive the boredom, doing 20spm, 22spm, and 24spm. Definitely lower than the 200W today. This has to be a light training. After 2x30min at 185W, I measured Lactate at 1.5 mmol/L. If I had ventured above 200W, I would definitely be at too high lactates.
OTW for next weekend is starting to materialize. We have to repair the dock on our river club site, and transport a few boats, which is a 10 minute drive with the trailer. Judging from text message today, there seems to be enough people who want to row, so I think we can organize the transport and repair works for Friday, and row OTW for 3 days.
By sanderroosendaal • Uncategorized • 1 Comment • Tags: concept2, erg, OTE, rowing, steady state, training